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Dog Emergency Care

Pet First Aid

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What is Dog First Aid ?

Dog emergency care and Dog First aid involves removing the sick dog or accident dog from the source of harm, preventing the worsening of the condition, restoring vital bodily functions, alleviating pain and distress, and helping recovery to begin.

Smart Poodle arriving with Mom to the Emergency Animal Clinic
Alt Text-- Miniature and Standard Poodles in the park

“Over-enthusiastic first aid can do more harm than good. Limit yourself to determining the seriousness of the dog's condition, providing essential treatment, and then getting IMMEDIATE professional help.”


Dog First Aid Kit in case of emergency should include:

- Adhesive tape

- Ointment or antiseptic cream

- Bandages

- Cotton

- Ecotrin (or generic) coated aspirin for pain or fever

- Gauze

- Hydrogen peroxide

- Kwik stop powder or cornstarch for bleeding nail/faulty pedicure

- Muzzle

- Pepcid AC for upset stomach

- Petroleum jelly

- Rectal thermometer

- Rubbing alcohol

- Scissors

- Tweezers

With some preparation, general check-ups and care, you can ensure that your dog is able to get the best care available if something happens.

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